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Let’s face it, college is tough. It’s not only learning, it’s living, it’s loving, and  it’s changing everything you knew as a teenager in a rule-oriented, structured and designed paradigm to freedom and responsibility. It’s the only time humans are truly like eagles that crack the egg and either fly or fail to fly.

Of course this is true! There’s barely a roadmap of where to go, what to do, and who to watch? That is, until now! How To Succeed In College With A Disability is a breakthrough in education and a manual for the modern college student. No hyperbole. No hype, no fluff. This book practically hands today’s college student their diploma whether disabled or not.

Students today don’t want dry, boring, thick, un-relateable and irrelevant drivel. They want fast reads, intense dramatic story arcs, and fascinating characters. They want and demand problem solving skills for a new economy and a new reality. They want fast and easily implemented technologies and content.

They want it N-O-W!

This live, interactive, production/event brings to life on stage the dynamics of learning with entertainment. Students get viscerally and cognitively transformed up on their feet and creating new definitions of what’s possible in college.

How to Succeed In College With A Disability does all this and more!

How can this bold claim be brashly flaunted? Easily, because its author Michael J. Herman successfully navigated the disabled college experience prior to the ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) and has isolated exactly how college degrees can be earned more easily by students with disabilities, students with no deficits at all, and everyone in between.       


How To Succeed In College With A Disability presents new framing and new contexts for success in college.

-More than 100 ninja tactics on how to accelerate learning and winning.

-Dozens of strategies for making the college life experience easier and winnable for anyone.

-Testimonies from college grads who used the content of this tome to propel them through Academia.

-An inspiring and life-changing story of tragedy, crisis, loss, and rebirth.


Tools, secrets, and never before revealed back doors to higher grades, better living, and more fun in college.

“When a college student utilizes Mike’s strategies for college success, they’re almost guaranteed their diploma.”                                              Kelley Mathews, Vision and Learning Consultant

“Michael J. Herman learns, thinks, and processes information differently than any other human being I’ve ever met.”                                                Dr. Stephen Anderson, Neurologist @ University of Iowa.

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