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  • Writer's pictureMichael J. Herman

I'm Waiting

I meet a lot of people waiting for things to happen. Have you ever noticed 2 different types of people, Those waiting seem to complain and worry. Blame, get sick, never have any money, and always want you to do for them?

Then, the others. The doers. The ones busy doing stuff. The movers and the shakers who never have time to worry about what did or didn't happen, but are focused entirely upon cresting something new and wonderful.

It's your mission, know it or not, to make your time here on this earth as valuable and as memorable as you can. But how do you make this happen? Focus entirely on what's possible an how you can get there faster?

Answer the question: What's able to stop me from succeeding? Then avoid that obstacle at all costs.

Put all your momentum and creativity each day into giving, building, and f that doesn't work, try sone chicken soup.

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