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  • Writer's pictureMichael J. Herman

Disability Be gone

Sometimes you just want to kick your disability to the curb and say "So long! Thanks for coming. Don't come back."

Unfortunately, it's harder to do than it is to say.

Not a virus, but similar in that it can effect your life and your well being, but not like a virus in that you are in control. You're always in control. And when you think you're not, it's your choice.

It's not the chair, the cane, the burns, the meds, the pain, the emotions, the environment, the obstacles, or anything else that stops you. It's one thing and one thing only that prevents you from overcoming and obliterating a disability.


Sorry to be glib. Maybe honesty isn't your thing, but you're the one in control of your disability and the one who decides (either consciously or unconsciously) how your disability will play a roll in your life.

I've watched countless returning war vets with arms or legs or both blown to smithereens and they return to very productive and satisfying lives.

I've seen athletes devastated by accidents, injury, disease, and misfortunes come back to dominate in their fields.

I've watched children with horrible birth defects contribute, laugh, and love.

And it comes down simply to a decision, and a perspective. Who's in charge? You over your handicap, or your handicap over you?

Now it's easy for me to pontificate. "Mike, you're not in my shoes. You don't know what I've gone through. You don't know what it's like for me."

True that. I don't, and it's likely I never will. So what?

Is the fact that someone else can't experience the awful deficits you are going through going to stop you from expressing your greatness? Is there a time when you'll be ready to demand of the day your rightful place in the pantheon of humanity?

Give it up now and join me in saying to whatever it is in your way

"Disability, Be Gone!"

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