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  • Writer's pictureMichael J. Herman

Not You again?

It's the disability that gets in your way every time you look around.

Sometimes it's not even present. You can go all day, even weeks sometimes and think you're good. "I've overcome and left behind me whatever it was that kept getting in my way."

But then W-H-A-M! It's back. something happens. You can't do something. Or you screw something up and it's all because of your disability. Or in my case, I bump into something... Or I bang into someone... Or I fall over something and fall down badly hurting myself... Or I hit something with my car and it's all because of my friggin disability.

"Not you again" I ask suspecting and knowing the truth. Not you who haunts my confidence and sabotages my results?"

I'm not blaming or making excuses. I'm just saying that no matter how expert I become, no matter how much time elapses since my brain injury at 5 years old, no matter how careful I try to be, the deficit lurks always in the unexpected and jumps out like a violent mugger attacking me and throwing me off balance.

While the above is a fact; undeniable my me in my life and probably similar to the experiences of many others, I am much too powerful and excellent to allow these circumstances have any baring on my prowess or my acumen.

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