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  • Writer's pictureMichael J. Herman

Don't Even Think About It

Don't Even Think About It

Count me out?

Doubt me?

Discredit me?

Minimize me or my achievements?

Should I go on?

Really? Count me out?

Are you crazy?

Seriously, everyone who has ever done that has been made to look the fool.

I’m a giant and mighty bamboo.

Do you know how bamboo works?

An acorn drops to the ground.

It gets covered in dirt.

It buries itself in fertile soil.

It sprouts roots and begins to grow a wide and deep network of root systems.

For a longtime nothing happens… (on the surface.)

Those roots can grow for miles.

They may intertwine with other plants and trees helping to nourish their roots as well.

Over time, the roots will get so strong that when the seedling breaks through the dirt the bamboo plant can shoot up as much as 25 feet in a single week.

How is that possible? Because while you were wondering why nothing was happening with the seed, the root system from which the plant gets food, water, and nutrients was growing.

You have no idea what I’m doing where you can’t see.

So a friendly word of advice…

Don’t you dare count me out! I’m busy growing my roots.

©2018 Michael J. Herman All rights Reserved.

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