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  • Writer's pictureMichael J. Herman

Right Between the eyes

It was an ordinary day. Wake up, get ready, and go to work. Work hard all day and fall off a ladder. WHAT? That's right! California Resident and construction worker, Ron Hunt, while working on a job site, fell eight-feet off a ladder onto a concrete slab--face-first!

Ordinarily, that should be enough for a bad day, but Ron Hunt went the extra mile. As his face hit the ground, he landed on a 1 1/8-inch-diameter steel drill bit. It entered his face through his right eye and it came out the back of his skull, just above the right ear.

After nearly ten hours of emergency surgery, doctors at the Washoe Medical Center near Truckee, California, performed an unprecedented surgical procedure to remove the drill bit from his cranium by sawing it off from the point of the electric drill, then removing it through a planned incision on the right side of his head.

Blood and tissue poured everywhere. The patient began to seizure, then went into shock, then regained consciousness, and then again fell into shock.

After an exhaustive surgery, the patient was saved.

Now, the one time athlete and police academy candidate, though blind from the loss of his right eye, leads a normal life.

His attitude was and continues to be: "I'm just thankful to be alive!" WOW! What an inspiration Ron Hunt serves to us all? With every reason to complain and wallow in self-pity, having earned the right to be bitter and resentful of life's circumstances, this Champion chooses instead to see the beauty and the wonder in life. He insists that life is not a chore, but a journey that one must embrace!

Why don't we do this? Why don't we face our mediocre obstacles with affable aplomb? Why do we let the smallest of upsets derail our motion from the tracks?

It's easy to get bogged down by the little things, but when you consider how valuable and how significant a positive attitude is, you begin to tune into life's true magic!

Ron Hunt has endured a lot and yet, has only just begun. He has undergone more than a dozen surgeries to recover the use of muscles in his face and skull. If you'd like to learn more about Ron Hunt, or if you'd like to contribute to Ron's ongoing medical fund, click If you choose not to make a donation, please spread the word that we have uncovered yet another Everyday Champion.

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